Blizej natury 1

Premium berries

Meet the fruits

of our labor

These are no ordinary berries, they are fruits from legsad.

The premium quality is due to special varieties, continuous improvement and mutual support in the pursuit of the ideal that we have already achieved.

Why our berries?

  • Only premium varieties

    The best qualities of berries - appearance, taste, color, shelf life, freshness and aroma. Testing of varieties and cultivation methods, constant monitoring of plant needs.

  • Guarantee of the highest quality

    Control at every stage of production, from cuttings through cultivation, harvesting, packaging and transportation.

  • Rich in nutritional value

    Vitamin bomb, source of minerals and antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and beautifying effects.

  • Natural protection methods

    Zero pesticide residues in berries. Harmony with nature resulting in healthy products and a sustainable ecosystem

  • Universal application

    Fresh, frozen and processed. Recommended in any diet, ideal for desserts, low-calorie, superfood.


For lovers

of healthy lifestyles


We are constantly testing and introducing new varieties that guarantee the best quality and allow optimal planning, so that we get the best possible characteristics of berries.

Our leading varieties, meeting the above requirements:

Raspberry Lagorai+

A variety whose exclusive cultivation and sale in poland is held by legsad (60% of our raspberry crop).

Key features:

  • Beautiful appearance, large berries, great taste
  • Extended shelf-life
  • Durable – does not let go of juices

Blueberries Sekoya

Blueberries from development programs Fall Creek:

Sekoya Collection

  • participation in the fall creak collection program
  • guaranteeing the best quality parameters
  • perfect taste, firmness (crunchiness) and shelf life

Blackberry sweet royall

Number 1 in europe!

New quality in blackberry:

  • large, perfect berries
  • sweet taste, previously unheard of
  • no reversion
  • long shelf-life

Berries from Lower Silesia

on your table